Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Site placement: Sagalla Hills, near the city of Voi

Today I found out i will be living in Sagalla Hills under the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, more specifically, with the Sagalla Health Center.

According to my minor research, Sagalla has a population of 6,500 people, very hilly (big surprise), and there was a recent documentary by Al Jazeera on how bee hive fences deter nasty elephant raids

My work will focus on

1. Supporting HIV/AIDS prevention and care/support

2. Provide household and community health services (hygiene, malaria prevent, etc).

I know diseases such as typhoid and cholera are a major problem in that area, and I'll see for sure what the area is like once I get there and beforehand when I call my supervisor (need to buy the minutes).

This will be fun, to be of use.

sources of info: given report

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